Devonport Law Firm


Our FAQs provide valuable information to help you understand common legal issues and processes. They cover key topics and address frequently asked questions to offer clarity and guidance. Browse our FAQs to find answers and get a better understanding of how we can assist you with your legal needs.

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  • What is split custody?

     Split child custody arrangements are a fairly unusual type of arrangement in which parents have different custodial rights for different children. There are several situations in which this may be appropriate. Perhaps each parent has his or her own biological children from an earlier marriage. Children may need to live in different locations for school or other obligations, or may have special needs that are better cared for by one parent.

  • What custody rights do fathers have in Ohio?

    If you are married to the child’s mother, you have equal parental rights in the eyes of the law. However, unmarried fathers are at a serious disadvantage in family law matters. Without a court order, single fathers have no parental rights. Talk to an attorney to learn more about your options and take steps to secure the time you deserve with your child.

  • How does child custody influence child support obligations?

    It is important to remember that child support exists for the benefit of the child, not for either parent. There are some situations in which parents share parenting time equally and a zero dollar child support order is appropriate. More often, however, one parent spends more time with the child and the other pays a proportionate amount of child support.

  • Can I refuse to provide visitation if my former partner has not paid his or her child support?

    We understand that it is frustrating when your former spouse does not meet his or her support obligations, but withholding time with the child is not the answer. Support and custody arrangements are completely separate issues and should not be confused. If you need help enforcing a child support order, a lawyer can help.


Contacting our firm means partnering with a team that is committed to understanding your unique circumstances and providing tailored legal solutions. Whether you need assistance with divorce, custody disputes, or other family law matters, our experienced attorneys are here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us to discuss your case and explore the best options for your situation. Reach out today to receive the compassionate and knowledgeable support you deserve.

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